
hosting by anthonyscardina.com

Hosting is currently invite only.


Low-cost website hosting for independent artists, makers, businesses, and individuals. I’ll take care of the technical part, so you are free to focus on the creative part.

About Me

I am an information-security professional that enjoys making digital art, analog art, and doing photography.

What I will do for you:

  • Register your domain name
    • You will pay for and own your own domain name, but I can register it for you, and I sometimes get a discount
    • If you already have registered a domain name, you can manage your own DNS settings, or transfer it to my registrar so I can manage your DNS for you
  • Host your website
    • Once your domain is registered, it will be hosted by me
  • Install WordPress
    • I will install the latest WordPress and all applicable security and management plugins for WordPress.
  • Set up a template
    • A template is the basic layout and design for your website. I can choose one for you, or you can browse WordPress for templates and choose your favorite
  • Set up user accounts
    • I will set up one management account that I will use to install mandatory updates
    • I will create a user account for you, and give it the level of access that you are comfortable with
    • Additional user accounts can be created! You or I can create them
  • Security
    • My web-server is configured with security-first priority. Risk mitigations are configured at the hardware level, operating system level, WordPress level, and domain level.
    • An advanced security appliance firewall handles many security items at the network level
    • A web-application firewall is added to all WordPress installations (this is mandatory)
    • All WordPress software and plugins are kept up to date
    • All Operating System software is kept up to date
    • All available hardware updates (firmware) are kept up to date
    • Additional mitigations are available, depending on your use cases
    • Vulnerability scans and remediation are performed at a regular cadence

What I will NOT do for you:

  • Upload or create your content
    • Once your website is live, and you have the ability to add content to it, it will be up to you to do that. There are many hosting and design providers that can provide this for you, however, it is outside of my wheelhouse. Creating the design of your website, uploading pictures or videos, and writing news letters is up to you
  • Setting up or providing E-Commerce capabilities
    • There are options to add this through a third party. For instance, artists will often times partner with a gallery, and have their work available for purchase on the gallery’s website. Restaurants may place their menu on their website, but purchase are made through services like ToastTab or ChowNow, or delivery services like GrubHub or DoorDash
  • Email
    • I don’t currently have the bandwidth for email hosting, but, if you don’t want a generic Gmail or Office.com email address, many providers, such as Gmail and Office.com offer premium email that looks like youremailaddress@yourwebsitename.com

What you are paying for

  • Domain Name registration
    • Domain name prices can vary wildly! They can be as cheap as $2 a year, or range in the thousands of dollars.
    • Shop around! Websites like GoDaddy, HostGator, and NameCheap offer different prices.
    • I usually get discounted prices from my preferred registrar, and if I register for you, I will also manage your DNS settings.
  • Hosting
    • Hosting is where your website lives in the physical world. This is the storage and processing of your website
  • Security Enhancements
    • See above for the security enhancements you’re paying for


You assume all liability related to your website.

I will not host anything illegal.

I will not host hate speech.

Other web hosts will host illegal content and hate speech. If you want to host illegal content or hate speech, you’re free to chose one of those web hosts.

If you abuse the system, your account can be terminated. If your account is terminated, I will email to you your domain keys and a back-up of your website and you will receive a lifetime ban from hosting.anthonyscardina.com and any and all other related business entities. If emailing you your website backup is illegal, you will not receive it. If your domain is seized by law enforcement, that’s out of my hands. You will assume all financial liability that these actions caused. Your website will then be replaced with a landing page explaining that you are banned, and this will be displayed whenever anyone visits your site until you change your DNS settings on your own.

It is a really good idea to not upload or create illegal content, upload or create hate speech, or abuse my systems.

hosting.anthonyscardina.com uses IP2Location.io IP geolocation web service.